Monday, April 10, 2017

One Giant Leap!

The time has come to make it official ... hahahaha  Ok no really, I'm serious.  Seriously freaking out because this the furthest out of my comfort zone I've ever been.

I've become a Beach Body Coach

I've done direct sales in the past but it was easy to sell that product.  How is this different?  Well yeah, its selling a product but the reality is its more selling me.  About my journey.  About how I'm trying to improve on my health.  For myself.  For my family.  I need to start focusing on being around for the long haul.  Unfortunately at my age I've already known too many who have passed young.  I know that when its our time, there is nothing we can do.  But I'll be damned if I help the process along.

If you don't follow Shakeology in social media check out the Instagram and Facebook

Today the IG account had this

Something that I felt was very appropriate as I'm trying to change my mindset for the better!

May not look appealing now but this morning my Cafe Latte shake gave me the boost I needed to start off a Monday AND get in all the yummy nutrients I don't normally have.

This is my journey. I'm a mom.  I work full time.  I do the normal mad dash from work, to pick up kids, to home and make dinner, homework, bath & bed.  This is my journey of finding time for ME  to work out (which as a beginner SUCKS but its a necessary evil).  This is my journey to finally carve out time that doesn't involve sticky whiny children and an exhausted husband.  And who knows, maybe one day I'll get that husband of mine to join me!

So follow me on my journey .. I'll post pics along the way on My Instagram Account and more details here on the blog.